IPS 32-Agilent Medalist Testhandler

The CRS testhandler is designed for the test system Agilent 327x and Medalist i5000. It is equipped with the following functions and features:

  • Probe force 4000N
  • Double side probing
  • Test pad D > 0,7mm
  • Dual stage fixtures
  • Test jet application
  • Short wire fixture
  • Easy and quick fixture change
  • Compact fixture kit
  • Integrated barcode reader
  • Easy maintenance for test system
  • Operator panel

The IPS 32 is specially designed to save space in your production line. The test system is full integrated under a bridge construction.

Mode of operation: The PCB’s are buffered on one separate conveyor with an integrated barcode reader. After reading the barcode, the board moves into the contact area. The contacting unit consists of a two spindle servo drive.

The main advantages of the spindle servo are the free choice of the traverse path and the contacting speed depending on the PCB.

IPS 32-Agilent Medalist Testhandler
IPS 32-Agilent Medalist Testhandler
IPS 32-e.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.0 MB

CRS Prüftechnik GmbH

Reichenaustrasse 242

78467 Konstanz, Germany

Phone +49 7531 28239-0

E-Mail: info@crs-prueftechnik.de